Coming up at this Tuesday's City Council meeting (Aug. 30th) is a recommendation from the Transportation Department to permanently eliminate, Line 13, the Bee Shuttle into Glenoaks Canyon because of low ridership. This is of concern to us because there are approximately 1,000 people per month who ride this line. Removal of this service would leave only Dial-a- Ride as a transportation option. Dial-a-Ride requires a making a reservation a week in advance a with no guarantee of a ride as they may be booked up. The cost for Dial-a-Ride is $18.05 whereas the Beeline is only $2.67. Not only is Dial-a-Ride less reliable, it is a lot more expensive.
Please attend this important meeting so that your voice may be heard on this important issue. Contact GOCHA Board member, Angela Vukos at (818) 247-2781 for more information. The meeting will be held at the Glendale City Hall , 613 E. Broadway, 2nd Floor at 6:00 PM on Tuesday August 30th.
Background information on City Council's decision:
Funding for the City's transportation programs primarily comes from a small portion of sales tax dedicated to transportation. With the recent recession, sales tax receipts have been significantly reduced and the current operating commitments in the City's Transportation Fund are exceeding the annual operating revenues. Based on previous City Council budget discussions, it is recommended that Beeline increase its base cash fare on regular local routes from $0.25 to $0.75 beginning October 1, 2011, to be increased to $1.00 beginning July 1, 2012, and to $1.25 beginning July 1, 2013. The cash fare for the express routes will increase from $1.00 to $2.00. The remaining Beeline fare media would be adjusted to be consistent with the cash fares. Staff also recommends changing the senior age definition from 60 to 62 years of age to be consistent with Metro fare policy. It is recommended that Dial-A-Ride increase its cash fare from $1.00 to $1.25 beginning October 1, 2011, and to $1.50 beginning July 1, 2013. Staff also recommends increasing the
minimum age for new Dial-A-Ride participants from 60 to 65 years of age.
Finally, it is recommended that Beeline Route 13 serving Glenoaks Canyon be cancelled due to low ridership; that the frequency of service on Beeline Route 3 between Glendale Community College and Jet Propulsion Laboratory be reduced due to lack of ridership demand; and, that the fare subsidy program for the purchase of Metro senior passes be discontinued.