
Neighborhood Watch Update Meeting with Officer Sue Shine

The Glendale Police Department will be hosting a Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Watch Update Meeting at Joe Bridges Clubhouse at Glenoaks Park on Monday, October 14, 2013 beginning at 6:30PM. Our Area Commander, Tim Feeley will join us and provide his insight on trends and answer questions.

You may RSVP to Officer Shine at:sshine@ci.glendale.ca.us

Mail Thefts Still a Cause for Concern

Although a majority of the thefts have been in Chevy Chase Canyon, it is still important for us to be aware and vigilant as well.

For many months, we have been experiencing late night thefts from mailboxes in the Chevy Chase Canyon area. The mailboxes are at the curb and the area is more remote and, therefore was targeted regularly along with adjoining areas in La Canada and La Crescenta. This trend has widened and now Glendale PD is receiving reports of thefts of mail in boxes attached to homes as far west as Valley View. Some apartment buildings are victims as crooks make entry into the lobby and the boxes as well. What the thieves are seeking is a means to steal your identity. This information is more accessible than you think. Every credit card application and those weekly blank checks to the accounts you do have sent to you are easy to complete and with a little more digging, they can get all kinds of things shipped to them at your expense.

  • Please alert neighbors to the activity and notify apartment managers
  • If there are folks on your street that keep later hours, let them know in order to have eyes out for suspicious cars late at night
  • Retrieve your mail as soon as practical and do the same for neighbors if you have opposing schedules
  • Locking mailboxes may deter some theft, but some crooks carry pry tools.
  • Remember to remove any package deliveries from the porch immediately and do the same for neighbors

The USPS has an 800 number on their website to report mail theft. If, however, you witness suspicious behavior or are certain of a theft, inform the Post Office, but also report it with the Glendale Police Department (818) 548-4841 to request an officer respond to take a report, if a crime has been committed. The Glendale police have been actively stopping and searching suspicious vehicles and pedestrians and have made a recent arrest of a prolific mail thief with prior arrests for the same behavior. Patrol officers have been alerted to the trend and will continue to be vigilant.

As with all criminal behavior, it is best to report all suspicious activity and continue to remove opportunity from the thieves. Remove items from your car and lock it. Illuminate your home and make it a hard target. Don’t be so distracted by your shopping to be careless. Watch where you are walking to and from and make eye contact with all you encounter. Don’t act like a victim and it is much less likely you will be a victim!

Have  safe and happy holidays!

Canyon Sees More Auto Break-Ins

On June 10-11 in the overnight hours, we had multiple vehicles broken into via smashed windows and some unlocked doors.  This spree took place on Eat Glenoaks, Hollister, and Scholl.  In many cases, victims reported losing the usual items: GPS, iPods, sunglasses.  In others, the garage remote was taken.  Please remove ALL ITEMS of value including your remotes every night and lock the doors.  When possible, installing a motion light near the parking area may help.  The individuals will keep coming back when they need more loot for their dope habit, so any night owls would be useful in keeping an extra eye out for any movement on the street.



New Glendale Crime Trends Bulletin

The Glendale Police Department has begun putting out a regular bulletin outlining some of the crime trends going on in our city. Glendale Police Chief Ron DePampa (rdepompa@ci.glendale.ca.us) attributes the increased crime in the city to the release of "realigned" felons into the community. These felons are considered by the state to be lowrisk offenders: non-violent, non-serious, and non-high risk sex offenders. But, the reality is that these felons are also career criminals: five felony convictions already, 56% have mental health issues, 56% have substance abuse issues and re-offenders with a 70% recidivism rate. It is estimated that the state will be releasing 55,000 of these felons by the end of 2012. To read more about this problem and how it affects our city and neighborhood, read the full bulletin here:


If you would like to subscribe to the Crime Trends Bulletin, a sign up form (name and email address) can be found here:


Be safe and vigilant out there and report anything suspicious you see in the canyon.

[ALERT] Home Burglarized on Mt. Carmel Tuesday

There was a residential burglary on Tuesday on Mt. Carmel which occurred between the hours of 8:50am and 11:00am.  The point of entry was a bedroom window accessible from the hillside.  The front door was the point of exit and was left shut, but not locked.  Items taken include: two large screen televisions and jewelry.  All bedrooms were ransacked.

The Glendale Police Department is talking to neighbors and working leads.  The previous residential burglary was late in the day on a Friday (January 27 between 5:00PM-7:00PM) at the top of the Canyon.

Things to be vigilant about:

  • Keep watch on neighbors who have set routines.  They are predictable and become targets.
  • If you have access to your home from the side, consider fortifying the back like you would the front.
  • Look outside and pay attention to unusual activity.  If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.

Last week, we had thefts from several unlocked cars.  Interestingly, a block captain several neighborhoods over (Glenmore and Trenton) called in at 3:30am to report a male in a hoodie carrying a backpack trying door handles….How much do you want to wager that the next place he headed was up the Canyon?


Information on Latest Burglaries in Canyon

From Officer Sue Shine:

As you may be aware, we had a daytime residential burglary on November 30. A neighbor reported seeing a tan sedan with two Males in their 20's, possibly Middle Eastern leaving the victim's home around 3:00pm. The items taken were electronics (flat screen TV, iPads, etc).

On Friday, December 2, two reports came in. The first was reported early in the morning and the second was similar to the described one above. In this case, the victim returned home at 11:20am and found their home ransacked.

The locations: 2400 block of Sleepy Hollow (reported upon discovery at 5:00am)

2500 block of Gardner Place (reported shortly after the occurrence at 11:20am)

I will get all relevant details in the morning and examine our strategies to stop these crooks. The time frame to be extra vigilant is Monday-Friday during working hours. Burglars do not usually strike on weekends because we are all home. Those of you who are at home during the weekday are encouraged to take walks and rake all those leaves up so the crooks see you and will keep going.

I assure you we will be up there in marked and unmarked vehicles and I will provide updates as I receive them.

As always, if you see a car driving slowly, perhaps more than one time, or any activity at a neighbors home that is unusual, CALL 911. Do not wait to call.

Neighborhood Watch Training and Information Meeting June 29th

Come join Officer Sue Shine and your Glenoaks Canyon neighbors for a Neighborhood Watch training and burglary prevention meeting.

While the crime in our canyon is extremely low, the Glendale Police Department wants to help us institute a neighborhood watch program so we can keep our canyon safe for all of us.

The meeting will be held on June 29, 2011 at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park.


5:30 - 6:00  Arrive early for introductions

6:00 - 7:00  Burglary prevention slideshow/Crime overview

7:00 - 7:30  What is Neighborhood Watch?

7:30 - 8:00  Meet neighbors and sign up

Click here to see the Flyer.

Glendale PD Alert on Auto Burglaries

[GPD] The following is an APB Bulletin from the Glendale Police Department. Please note that none of these crimes have been reported in our canyon. We just want everyone to know what is going on in Glendale.

Glendale is experiencing an increase in burglaries to vehicles that contain tools and equipment.  There have been 23 of these incidents this year, mostly in the North, West and South Command areas, between the hours of 7 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Victim vehicles were usually Chevrolet or GMC cargo-type vans that were parked on the street.  The most common method to enter the van was to punch through a door lock.  Vans with “cages” in the cargo area were still broken into.  Commonly stolen items are hand and power tools and equipment, along with GPS units that were left in the vehicle.

In one instance, a male in dark clothing was found committing a burglary to a work van.  He ran to a nearby waiting vehicle (a gold 4-door sedan) and escaped.

If you drive a vehicle that contains tools and equipment, you can reduce your chance of being victimized by parking in a garage or other secured area.  If this is not possible, park off the street in a driveway, particularly if the van is parked overnight at your residence.  An vehicle alarm would help significantly, and always remove valuables from sight.

Lastly, record all makes, models and serial numbers for tools and equipment.  Frequently, victims of vehicle burglaries cannot provide adequate information on stolen items.  If you become a victim, serial numbers can be entered into a nationwide database.  When a burglar is caught and items recovered, serial numbers can be checked to see if the item was stolen.

As always, be a good witness and call the police if you see anything suspicious.

To learn more of the police department's Area Command strategy, please follow this link: http://www.ci.glendale.ca.us/police/area_command.asp

Information on Door-to-Door Solicitors

There has been an increase in door-to-door solicitations in the area. The Glendale Police Department urges all of us to be aware that some of these solicitors may not be legitimate and has issued an Information Release about these Door-to-Door Solicitors. The memo can be found here: Glendale Police Information Release

Information on Door-to-Door Solicitors

Date Posted: 23 November 2010

There has been an increase in door-to-door solicitations in the city.  While this is legal, a permit must be obtained for any type of door-to-door advertising or soliciting in Glendale.

The larger concern is solicitors fraudulently seeking money for a charity or product they do not represent or will not deliver.  Some solicitors may identify themselves as living in the neighborhood when they may be not.  People can also pose as solicitors to avail themselves to unattended vehicles and homes.

Legitimate solicitors operate in Glendale, but they require a permit issued by the clerk’s office.  Advertisers who leave material at your home also require a permit.  Religious and non-profit organizations are allowed to distribute materials in the city without a permit as long as they are not seeking donations or selling a product.

If you are contacted by a solicitor, ask for their organization ID (or letter of introduction) and their city-issued permit.  If they cannot provide either, close your door.  Never let a stranger into your home.  You can contact the City Clerk’s office during normal business hours to verify a permit at (818) 548-2090.  You can alert the police to suspicious soliciting at (818) 548-4840. If the solicitor is aggressive or you feel endangered in any way, please call 911.

Below is a sample of a city issued permit.  The name and address of the permit holder will appear on the actual permit, and the words “File Copy” will not.

To learn more of the police department's Area Command strategy, please follow this link:


or copy and paste it into your browser's  URL window.

Vehicle Burglaries Reported in Canyon

In the past few days there has been a rash of vehicle burglaries in the area below the entrance of Glenoaks Canyon: 1 in the 1600 Block of Royal, 2 in the 500 Block of Woodbury Rd, 2 in the 1900 Block of Eden Ave and 1 in the 1500 Block of East Glenoaks.  A witness in one of the burglaries described the suspect vehicle as a dark blue older model Volkswagen GTI further described as having tinted windows and a “racing type” exhaust system.  The witness stated he has seen the GTI in the area the past few nights and fears they are casing the neighborhood. Please share this information with your members.  If they see suspicious activities in their neighborhood please have them call 911.

Detective Barba is handling these cases and can be reached at (818) 548-3127