Come out and join your neighbors and the entire country as we celebrate the annual National Night Out. Like last year, come on down to the Joe Bridges Clubhouse at Glenoaks Park from 6pm - 7:30pm and celebrate the evening with our canyon residents, artists, designers, collectors, and hobbyists. Refreshments will be served while they last and there will be a succulent plant swap along with a raffle supporting both local businesses and your neighborhood watch. It should be a fun night for everyone.
Neighborhood Watch Update Meeting with Officer Sue Shine
The Glendale Police Department will be hosting a Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Watch Update Meeting at Joe Bridges Clubhouse at Glenoaks Park on Monday, October 14, 2013 beginning at 6:30PM. Our Area Commander, Tim Feeley will join us and provide his insight on trends and answer questions.
You may RSVP to Officer Shine
National Night Out and Art Show - Tuesday August 6th
Come join your neighbors and spend the evening under the stars at Glenoaks Park. National Night Out is a designated evening when communities across America come together to take a stand against crime, drugs and disorder in their neighborhoods []. Ice cream will be served!
And, this year, in conjunction with National Night Out, we will be having our very own Glenoaks Canyon Art Show. The show will be held at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse in the park. Please see flier below for more information.
Hope to see you there.
Neighborhood Watch Training and Info Session Tuesday 8/21
There will be a Neighborhood Watch training and information session next Tuesday, August 21 from 6:30 to 8:00pm at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park. Everyone is welcome to attend. Officer Sue Shine of the Glendale Police Department will be presenting information that will help make our community safer and an even nicer place to live.
Reminder: National Night Out Tuesday
2nd Annual National Night Out
New Glendale Crime Trends Bulletin
The Glendale Police Department has begun putting out a regular bulletin outlining some of the crime trends going on in our city. Glendale Police Chief Ron DePampa ( attributes the increased crime in the city to the release of "realigned" felons into the community. These felons are considered by the state to be lowrisk offenders: non-violent, non-serious, and non-high risk sex offenders. But, the reality is that these felons are also career criminals: five felony convictions already, 56% have mental health issues, 56% have substance abuse issues and re-offenders with a 70% recidivism rate. It is estimated that the state will be releasing 55,000 of these felons by the end of 2012. To read more about this problem and how it affects our city and neighborhood, read the full bulletin here:
If you would like to subscribe to the Crime Trends Bulletin, a sign up form (name and email address) can be found here:
Be safe and vigilant out there and report anything suspicious you see in the canyon.
Neighborhood Watch Tips
Here are some great tips that were posted by one of our canyon residents:
- Keep doors and windows locked
- Use an alarm system
- Trim bushes and shrubs lower that hide windows
- Install motion metector lights
- Get outside and open curtains to better see what's going on
- Lock up good when you leave home, most crimes are when you have left your house
- Don't answer the door without checking to see who it is
- Don't allow strangers into your house
- Put up signs indicating dog, dog paraphanelia, or have dog
- Secure the rear of your house as you do the front of your house
- Don't depend on one safety system
- Ask neighbors to watch for suspicious activity, or watch out for you
- Watch for unusual cars hanging around for days
- Log all serialized property and photograph all jewelry and store family valuables off-site
- Don't telegraph behavior with set routine
- Leave lights on and radio on when gone, you could put radio on timer
- Close and lock garage doors
- Lock up tools that could be used to break into your home (ladder, etc.)
- Be alert
- Don't try to stop or apprehend a person committing a crime - call 911
- Don't investigate suspicious activity - call 911
For non-emergencies call Glendale PD at (818) 548-4911
For suspicious vehicles, GPD needs make, model, color, AND LICENSE PLATE #. Also special features like bumper damage, bondo, peeling paint, custom paint job and tell dispatch the direction the car is traveling.
For suspicious people GPD needs as much detail as possible dark skin, light skin, hair color, height and weight approximated AND what they are wearing.
Other resources: for up to the minute crimes in our area. (tip line) 818 507-STOP & 800 222-tips (anonymous tip line) TIPLA@2744637 for texting
Neighborhood Watch Meeting Tonight - March 1, 2012
There is a Special Meeting tonight hosted by Glenoaks Canyon Homeowners Association (GOCHA) and the Glenoaks Canyon Neighborhood Watch and presented by the Glendale Police Department.
The meeting is tonight, Thursday, March 1st from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park.
Please join us and your neighbors and learn how you can protect yourself and help make our canyon a safer neighborhood for all of us at this important meeting.
Click here for more information.
Come Celebrate National Night Out...With Ice Cream!
On Tuesday, August 2, 2011 you are invited to come out and celebrate National Night Out with a neighborhood Ice Cream Social at Glenoaks Park.
Hang out with your neighbors and meet your Neighborhood Watch Block Captain and Officer Sue Shine.
Plus...Raffle Prizes! Crafts for Kids! and Giveaways!
Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Where: Glenoaks Park
Click NNO Flier to check more information.