This Saturday, September 17, 2016, from 8:00am to 11:00am, come to Glenoaks Park to enjoy a free pancake breakfast courtesy of GOCHA. Its a fun way to hang out with friends and meet some of your neighbors. And, as an extra bonus, this year, our new GOCHA President, Rick Marquis, will be manning the griddle.
Hope to see you there!
Glenoaks Canyon Homeowners Association Annual Meeting 9/14
This is a reminder that the Annual Meeting for the Glenoaks Canyon Homeowner's Association (GOCHA) will be held on:
Wednesday, September, 14 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
The meeting will be held at Joe Bridges Clubhouse at Glenoaks Park located at 2531 E. Glenoaks, Blvd., Glendale CA
Please join us to learn more about:
The Canyon's Disaster Preparedness Program Come listen to Isabel Meyer discuss the details of the Canyon's Disaster Preparedness Program. The Glendale Fire Department and Glendale Police Department will also be present to discuss how their efforts will dovetail with the Canyon's in the event of a fire or natural disaster.
The Scholl Canyon Landfill City Manager Scott Ochoa and Council Member Vartan Gharpetian have graciously offered to speak at our meeting to share with us the current status of affairs with the landfill.
Hope to see you there.
Eagle Rock Community Garden Plant Sale and Open House
If you are looking for something fun to do between rain storms head on over to the Eagle Rock Community Garden and Art Park. Today is their 4th annual Open House and Plant Sale.
So if you are looking for some plants to get your vegetable garden started, or just want something fun to do, head on over to the other side of the hill and check it out.
Eagle Rock Community Garden Open House and Plant Sale 1003 Rockdale Ave. Eagle Rock Sunday April 10, 2016 10:00am - 4:00pm
Press Conference Regarding Scholl Landfill on Tuesday
[UPDATE 3/21/16 8:44pm] New Location:
Richard Alatorre Park, Base of the Eagle Rock 7600 Scholl Canyon Rd, Los Angeles, 90041 (just north of 134 Freeway, and north end of Figueroa Street. Park along street; location is close to road).
Communities United to Stop Scholl Dump Expansion is holding a press conference tomorrow, Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 9:00am. The event will be at the Eagle Rock Rec Center (east of the playground).
Even though speaking roles are strictly limited to 4 newsworthy leaders at this event, your PARTICIPATION as a conscientious community stakeholder making visible your opposition to the expansion of the Scholl Dump is extremely important.
Attire: WEAR BLUE, dress appropriately for 70 degrees, bring a dust/particulate mask for nose and mouth.
Parking: At Eagle Rock Rec Ctr parking lot OR along Eagle Vista.
Duration of event: 30 minutes
If you plan to attend, please rsvp to so that the organizers can have an idea of how many people will be attending.
Winter Echo - Digital Version
Please enjoy this digital version of the 2016 Winter Echo. Winter 2016 Echo
Please Join or Renew Your Membership for 2016
If you haven't already renewed for 2016, it's not too late. You can download the form right from here. GOCHA relies on your membership funds to host events, publish the ECHO four times a year and provide a voice for the canyon to fight things that might impact our quality of life (and property values) like the landfill expansion.
Thanks in advance.