Yasmin Beers, Glendale’s City Manager has announced her retirement. The City Manager is one of the most important positions in Glendale government. This is a non-elected position so it is critical that we voice our opinions to city council NOW about the process. The decision on who replaces her will change the landscape of every major issue we face as a city.
Scholl Canyon Landfill to be Discussed at Tonight's City Council Meeting
GOCHA sponsors Glendale City Council Candidates Forum
There will be a Glendale City Council Candidates Forum sponsored by GOCHA and Verdugo Woodlands HOA. Join us as we hear where the candidates stand on the Scholl Canyon Landfill and Proposed Power Plant.
Glendale City Council Candidates Forum
Saturday, March 25 7:00 PM
First Congressional Church 2001 Canada Blvd. Glendale, CA 91208
Glendale City Council to Consider 29% Electricity Rate Increases
The Glendale City Council will meet Tuesday evening to consider large increases to our electricity rates. According to the GWP, these rate hikes are necessary to keep the utility from going insolvent by 2017. Opponents to the rate hikes site that if the utility kept all the money collected by customers rather than giving millions to the general fund, these hikes would not be necessary. The proposal would begin with an average jump of 8% this year, followed by further increases of 7%, 5%, 2% and 2% in subsequent consecutive years. The rate increases would be compounded on top of each other. Since the City Council will be meeting the same night that many residents will be participating in the National Night Out, please email the city council voicing your opinion on these large increases.
Email the city council today: citycouncil@ci.glendale.ca.us
Click here to read this story in the [Glendale News Press].
City Council Passes Glendale Bicycle Safety Plan
On March 27th, the City Council passed the Glendale Bicycle Safety Plan. This affects our canyon in that as part of the street resurfacing project [see: Glenoaks Blvd. Rehabilitation Meeting Notes] the city will be painting bike lanes and sharrows markers in the canyon upon completion of resurfacing. Below is a summary of what this means for our canyon.
Here is what the plan proposes:
From Chevy Chase to Mt. Carmel
Current 46' wide 2 lanes with on-street parking
Proposed 46' wide 2 lanes with on-street parking 6' bike lanes 7' wide parking lanes 10' wide travel lanes
From Mt. Carmel to Scholl Dr.
Current 46' wide 2 lanes with on-street parking 9.5' center turn lane 8' parking lanes 10' 3" travel lanes
Proposed 46' wide 2 lanes with on-street parking Remove center turn lane 7' parking lanes 6' bike lanes 10' travel lanes
From Scholl Dr. to Scholl Canyon Park Entrance
Current 40' wide 2 lanes with on-street parking 4' center painted median 7' parking lanes 11' driving lanes
Proposed 40' wide 2 lanes with on-street parking Remove center painted median 7' parking lanes 13' travel lanes with sharrows (see below for an explanation of what a "sharrow" is)
From Scholl Canyon Park Entrance to Tennis Courts
Current 40' wide 2 lanes with parking only from 6am to 10:30pm 6' wide painted lines, no bike lane markings
Proposed 40' wide 2 lanes with parking only from 6am to 10:30pm Stencil and sign existing stripes to create bike lane
A "sharrow" is a shared bike lane. Signified by the symbol:
The stated purposes of the shared-lane markings used in California are to:
- Assist bicyclists with lateral positioning in a shared lane with on-street parallel parking in order to reduce the chance of a bicyclist’s impacting the open door of a parked vehicle;
- Assist bicyclists with lateral positioning in lanes that are too narrow for a motor vehicle and a bicycle to travel side by side within the same traffic lane;
- Alert motorists of the lateral location bicyclists are likely to occupy within the traveled way;
- Encourage safe passing of bicyclists by motorists; and
- Reduce the incidence of wrong-way bicycling.
You can download the full copy of the bicycle master plan here: http://www.ci.glendale.ca.us/public_works/GlendaleBicycleMasterPlan.asp
City Council Meeting to Discuss Addition of Bike Lanes in Glendale
The City Council will host a “study session” at 3:00 pm on Tuesday March 27th (prior to the regular Council Meeting) to gain input from staff and other sources regarding the proposed addition of Bike Lanes in the City of Glendale. The session should last about 2 hours.
All concerned citizens are encouraged to attend the session and voice their opinions – both pro and con. Council will use the input for further study the program. There is nothing scheduled yet as to when the Council will bring up the program for a vote.
We urge all Canyon residents to participate in the study session and verbally present their ideas regarding adding bike lanes to Glenoaks Boulevard to our Council. if you can't make it to the meeting, please email your thoughts about bike lanes in Glendale to citycouncil@ci.glendale.ca.us.
[UPDATE] City Council to Hold GWP Water Rate Hike Hearing
[UPDATE] Please note that this meeting will be held Tuesday night at 6:00pm. Not Monday as was previously mentioned.
Please see article on GHCC News-page (http://glendalehome.org)
The City Council will hold a GWP Water Rate Hearing on Monday March 20 at 6:00 PM in the council chambers. Please plan to attend to hear more about it and to voice your opinions.
Glenoaks Blvd. Rehabilitation Meeting Notes
Last Monday night, at the Glenoaks Elementary auditorium, a meeting was held to discuss the rehabilitation project to resurface Glenoaks Blvd. and many of the surrounding streets in our canyon. Below are the notes from that meeting.
Councilman Dave Weaver first spoke. He mentioned that on March 27th the city will have a study session on the Glendale Master Bike Plan. He urged all of us to attend this council meeting to voice our opinions and hear what is being discussed regarding bike paths in the canyon and throughout Glendale. Currently, the meeting is scheduled for 3pm but he's trying to get it changed to 6pm. If we get a better idea of when the meeting will be held, we will post the time on the website. The City Council will also be discussing the rehab project at their meeting on Tuesday 3/13. Bike lanes are being proposed but as of now are not part of the plan but the Council will be getting bids just in case.
The City Works Dept. gave a presentation outlining what types of resurfacing and repair will be done on what sections of the canyon. You can view the presentation here (please note this is a relatively large file).
The project is anticipated to being around June 4th and will take approximately 3 months to complete. All work in front of the school will be done during the summer break.
For much of the work where a slurry seal or complete resurfacing will take place, you will not be able to get access to your property from 7am to 5pm the day that they are laying the asphalt. That means if you do not leave your house on that day you will have to stay home until 5pm that evening, or if you leave (before 7am) you will not be allowed to return until after 5pm. This includes walking as well as driving. Of course if there is a life threatening emergency, all bets are off. This will be done in sections and several notices will go out to the residences affected for each section giving plenty of notice before the street is closed.
When they are doing Glenoaks Blvd. they will be doing half of the roadway at a time so there will always be a means to get in and out of the canyon.
Once the paving phase is complete, the roads will be striped and painted. The center divider that is no on Glenoaks Blvd. Will be removed and there will be a center line only. There is a proposal to continue a bike lane from Verdugo Blvd. Along Glenoaks Blvd up to Scholl Rd. (where the road is wider) and then have sharrow markers the rest of the way up the canyon. This is a proposal only and has not yet been voted on.
Three trees will have to be removed for this project. Two of them are already dead. Once complete, the city will be planting 55 new trees along the roadways within the canyon.
Glenoaks Canyon Rehabilitation Meeting Monday Night
Important meeting Monday night 6pm at the Glenoaks Elementary School Auditorium to discuss the rehabilitation of Glenoaks Blvd.
This meeting will discuss the plans and impact of the rehabilitation of Glenoaks Blvd. from Harvey up to the entrance of Scholl Canyon Park.
At the meeting there will also be discussion of bike lanes on Glenoaks Blvd. that have been proposed in the Glendale Bicycle Master Plan and will be voted on at an upcoming City Council meeting.
If you are at all interested in seeing how the resurfacing and potential restriping of Glenoaks Blvd. will affect us as residents of the canyon, you should definitely plan on attending.
Action Alert: City Council to Discuss Transportation Options in Canyon
At the Glendale City Council this Tuesday, Sept. 20th at 6:00 PM, an agenda items to be discussed will be Route 13 into Glenoaks Canyon. One city recommendation to be presented is the use of taxi vouchers at a round trip cost of $7.50 from Glendale Adventist Hospital to Glenoaks Park. This would replace the current $.50 charge for the Beeline and seems to be an unreasonably high solution for those who use public transportation to get in and out of the canyon. They may also discuss the return of a limited service of Metro Line 201 (no cost to the City of Glendale). This is the best recommendation.
Your presence and voice are very important to maintain public transportation in our canyon and to support those neighbors who need this service. Please attend the meeting if possible and/or call the city clerk at (818) 548-2090 to leave an email message with your recommendation for the city council.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.