A full environmental impact review has begun for the proposed biogas power plant on Scholl Canyon Landfill (Biogas Renewable Generation Project). The Glendale City Council contracted Stantec (once again) to conduct the study. There will be two times during the almost year-long process where public comments are solicited.
Glendale Seeks Community Input on Integrated Resources Plan
Glendale has scheduled city-wide neighborhood meetings to discuss Glendale's Integrated Resources Plan. City staff will solicit public opinions about the overall picture of local power resources, including changes at the Grayson Power Plant and developments at the Scholl Landfill. One of those meetings is scheduled to be held at…
Comment on MND relating to Biogas Renewable Generation Project
Gerry Rankin, a GOCHA Board Member and a 76 year resident of Glenoaks Canyon, submitted the following comment on the City's intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration relating to "Biogas Renewable Generation Project."
It is an important read and provides some important information about the proposed Biogas Plant that GWP wants to build on the Scholl Canyon Landfill.
A Look at Glendale’s Biggest Issue – The Grayson Power Plant
The biggest issue before the City of Glendale right now is what to do about the Grayson Power Plant. Glendale Water & Power (GWP) has developed a proposal to replace the old gas-fired Grayson Power Plant with a shiny new gas- fired Grayson Power Plant. This proposal is called the “Grayson Repowering Project.” The estimated cost is $500 million…
Mayor Najarian Addresses Canyon Residents at GOCHA Annual Meeting
On Wednesday, September 16th, Mayor Ara Najarian addressed a lively crowd of Glenoaks Canyon residents at the GOCHA annual meeting held at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse. The mayor talked about the growth in Downtown Glendale and how the city council has focused on the downtown area so that they could limit the growth in the hillside communities like Glenoaks Canyon.
Najarian went on to say that there will be 4,000 new apartment units available in downtown over the next twelve months. With that will come new restaurants and nightlife. The downtown region is flourishing although there is concern about additional traffic that will impact the area. There is also concern that the units being developed are apartments which will cater to more transient residents. Some of these apartments will be renting for up to $4,000 per month which will most likely not attract young families which is what the city wants.
The mayor also brought up that there will be a new transportation measure coming before voters in the next year that could provide the funds for a light rail system to connect the Orange and Red lines (Pasadena and North Hollywood) with two stops in Glendale.
There was a lot of dissension among the residents at the meeting towards the mayor and city council for allowing this kind of "irresponsible" development to happen.
Residents also asked the Mayor and Steve Zurn who was also in attendance about the Glendale water rate hikes as well as the Scholl Canyon Landfill. There were really no satisfactory or definitive answers coming from the city on either topic. The landfill expansion continues to be evaluated but nothing concrete has been discussed.
GOCHA also awarded Mark and Veronica Tharp with its annual resident appreciation award for all that they have done for our community, most notably organizing the annual dog parade and being great neighbors. Congratulations Mark and Veronica!
GOCHA Position Paper on Scholl Canyon Landfill Expansion Proposal
Please click the link below to read GOCHA's official position paper regarding the proposed expansion of the Scholl Canyon landfill. This document will be sent to the Glendale City Council as well as to the Glendale Public Works department. We welcome your comments on this issue as it affects everyone in the canyon. GOCHA landfill position paper
Glendale City Council to Consider 29% Electricity Rate Increases
The Glendale City Council will meet Tuesday evening to consider large increases to our electricity rates. According to the GWP, these rate hikes are necessary to keep the utility from going insolvent by 2017. Opponents to the rate hikes site that if the utility kept all the money collected by customers rather than giving millions to the general fund, these hikes would not be necessary. The proposal would begin with an average jump of 8% this year, followed by further increases of 7%, 5%, 2% and 2% in subsequent consecutive years. The rate increases would be compounded on top of each other. Since the City Council will be meeting the same night that many residents will be participating in the National Night Out, please email the city council voicing your opinion on these large increases.
Email the city council today: citycouncil@ci.glendale.ca.us
Click here to read this story in the [Glendale News Press].
Community Meetings to Discuss Electricity Rate Increases
The city has scheduled several community meetings to discuss the upcoming electricity rate hikes. All meetings will be held 7-8:30pm at the following locations:
- Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. City of Glendale, Police Community Room 131 N. Isabel St. Glendale, CA 91206
- Thursday, June 13, 2013, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Boy Scouts of America 1325 Grandview Ave. Glendale, CA 91201
- Wednesday, June 26, 2013, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Glendale Youth Center 211 W. Chestnut St., Suite 302, Glendale, CA 91204
- Thursday, June 27, 2013, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Pacific Edison Community Center 501 S. Pacific Ave. Glendale, CA 91204
More on the rate hikes can be found over at the Glendale News Press site.
[UPDATE] City Council to Hold GWP Water Rate Hike Hearing
[UPDATE] Please note that this meeting will be held Tuesday night at 6:00pm. Not Monday as was previously mentioned.
Please see article on GHCC News-page (http://glendalehome.org)
The City Council will hold a GWP Water Rate Hearing on Monday March 20 at 6:00 PM in the council chambers. Please plan to attend to hear more about it and to voice your opinions.
Greener Glendale Open House on Jan. 23rd
The Glendale Dept. of Water and Power and the Community Development Dept. invites you to attend the Greener Glendale Open House event on Monday, January 23, from 5pm to 7pm at the City’s Municipal Services Building, Room 106. The Open House will address environmental and resource conservation in Glendale, including the topics below. The city departments will value tremendously the views and opinions from the city's residents.
It will be a walk-through style event, so you can arrive and leave at any time. Children are welcome.
Environmental Topics to be discussed:
- Economic Development
- Energy Conservation
- Water Conservation
- Waste Reduction
- Transportation
- Urban Design
- Urban Nature
- Environmental Health