GOCHA Position Paper on Scholl Canyon Landfill Expansion Proposal

Please click the link below to read GOCHA's official position paper regarding the proposed expansion of the Scholl Canyon landfill. This document will be sent to the Glendale City Council as well as to the Glendale Public Works department. We welcome your comments on this issue as it affects everyone in the canyon. GOCHA landfill position paper

Who Let the Dogs Out?

dog paradeIt's that time of year again. Time for all our canyon's four-legged friends to meet at the park with their families and enjoy a beautiful spring day filled with fun. So come on out and witness the spectacle, the fun, and good friends for the annual Bow Wow Pow Wow today at 11am at Glenoaks Park. As usual there will be a costume contest, agility course, dog tricks, and of course the pooch parade. See you there!

Bow Wow Pow Wow Saturday April 11, 2015 11:00 am

It's Time to Renew Your GOCHA Membership

You may have seen the sign at the entrance to the canyon or the membership form in the most recent ECHO, but in case you still haven't sent in your 2015 membership form, you can download it here. For as little as $15.00 you can help GOCHA with everything we do for our lovely neighborhood. GOCHA uses funds to put on great events like the annual meeting, pancake breakfast, disaster preparedness program and the spring dog parade. But we also use the funds to fight things that affect our neighborhood's quality of life like the proposed expansion of the Glenoaks Landfill and to fight irresponsible development in the canyon.

Please help and renew your membership now.

2015 GOCHA Membership Form

Emergency Water Barrels Available for Canyon Residents

Isabelle Meyer, who heads up our canyon's Disaster Preparedness program, has arranged a special offer for canyon residents. 55 gallon emergency water barrels will help you prepare for a natural disaster by providing enough clean drinking water for a family of four for 10 days. The barrels come with everything you need including the barrel, a pump, and the treatment drops that will allow you to store water for up to five years (after five years, just dump the water out and refill and retreat the new water for another five years).

Emergency Water Barrel

Isabelle has been kind enough to arrange the sale and delivery to the canyon of 50 of these barrels so if you are interested, they will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Each barrel is selling for $82.50.

If you are interested, please call Isabelle Meyer at 818–242–4290.

This Year's Pancake Breakfast a Big Success

Like in years past, this year’s GOCHA Pancake Breakfast was a big success. On Sunday, September 27th about 150 canyon residents came to enjoy some delicious food and hang out with neighbors at Glenoaks Park. We also had a good turnout from the Glendale Fire and Police Departments including our new Chief of Police Robert Castro.

A big thank you to all the volunteers who manned the griddle, set the tables, and helped clean up the event. Our canyon is a very special place and it’s things like the annual Pancake Breakfast that brings our residents together to hang out, have some fun, and enjoy our beautiful canyon.

See below for a photo gallery from the event.

Don't Miss the Annual GOCHA Pancake Breakfast This Saturday


This Saturday, September 27th, GOCHA will host our annual Pancake Breakfast at Glenoaks Park. So come down, join your neighbors, and have some of the best sausages and pancakes served in the canyon! It's a fun way to see old friends and meet new ones.

Also, since it appears that there are a lot more homes being sold in the canyon, if you know someone that has just moved in, please be sure to let them know about this fun event.

GOCHA Annual Pancake Breakfast Glenoaks Park Saturday, September 27, 2014 8:00-11:00 am

GOCHA Annual Meeting Wednesday 7:30pm

Lieutenant Danny CarverThe Glenoaks Canyon Homeowners Association annual meeting will be held this Wednesday, September 17th at 7:30pm at the Joe Bridges Club House in Glenoaks Park. Glendale Police Dept. East Area Commander Lieutenant Danny Carver will be our special guest. It’s an excellent way to meet your neighbors and share your thoughts and concerns about goings on in the canyon. Look forward to seeing everyone there.

Scholl Canyon Landfill Press Conference 8/20/14 9:00 am

Wednesday morning (August 20, 2014 - sorry for the late notice), there will be a press conference organized by Eagle Rock community representatives and LA City Councilmember Jose Huizar who oppose the expansion of the Scholl Canyon landfill. The press conference will be held from 9:00 - 9:45am at Richard Alatorre Park at Figueroa Blvd. and Scholl Canyon Rd. just north of the 134 freeway.

The press conference has been organized to express opposition to the expansion plans for the landfill and to raise concerns about Glendale’s draft Environmental Impact Report which documents significant unavoidable adverse impacts related to the proposed expansion, particularly on local air quality.

If you are at all concerned about the landfill expansion or just want to hear more about it, Wednesday’s press conference should be informative. Please see attached Media Advisory for more information.

Press Advisory: 8/20/14 Scholl Canyon Landfill