Tonight is National Night Out

Come out and join your neighbors and the entire country as we celebrate the annual National Night Out. Like last year, come on down to the Joe Bridges Clubhouse at Glenoaks Park from 6pm - 7:30pm and celebrate the evening with our canyon residents, artists, designers, collectors, and hobbyists. Refreshments will be served while they last and there will be a succulent plant swap along with a raffle supporting both local businesses and your neighborhood watch. It should be a fun night for everyone.

national night out

City Extends Landfill Expansion Public Comment Period

Due to the overwhelming turnout at the May 19th meeting held at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse, the city has decided to extend the public comment period to July 31st in order for everyone to have a chance to have their opinion heard. In an email written to GOCHA President David Weeks, General Manager of Public Works Steve Zurn said that it was important to give residents a chance to have their opinions heard and therefore the city is extending the public comment period by 60 days. This will give residents more time to digest the Environmental Impact Report and comment. If you would like to have your voice heard, please take the time to look at the report and let the city know your opinion.

All comments must be submitted in writing to the Sanitation Districts (Attention: Ms. Debra Bogdanoff) at 1955 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, CA 90601 or by email at no later than July 31, 2014. Any comments provided should identify specific environmental concerns related to the proposed project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Ms. Bogdanoff at (562) 908–4288, extension 2734.

Over 200 Residents Show Up to Landfill Expansion Meeting

Over 200 residents and concerned neighbors showed up at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse on Monday night to hear comments from Steve Zurn, the city's Public Works Director about the proposal to extend the life and capacity of the Scholl Canyon landfill. Lot's of good information was exchanged and it is clear that this is definitely not a simple issue. Residents asked many questions of the Director about the expansion plans and suggested alternate solutions. The Glendale News Press wrote an article about the meeting that goes in to some detail about what transpired.

The public comments period has been extended to May 30th. To read more about the Environmental Impact Report or to make a public comment about the proposed expansion, visit the Glendale City website: Draft EIR for Scholl Canyon Landfill Expansion.

We will be posting more information to the GOCHA website as things develop. This is an important issue that will affect all canyon residents. Thanks to all who showed up to the meeting. It was great to have our collective voices heard.

Landfill Expansion Meeting

Scholl Canyon Landfill Expansion Meeting on Monday

[UPDATE 05/19/14] Below is the official letter that GOCHA has sent opposing the landfill. More information to come after tonight's meeting.

GOCHA comment letter

There will be a meeting on Monday night with the Glendale Public Works and the County Sanitation representatives to discuss the expansion project for the landfill. At this meeting, we hope to cover the current state of the landfill, the proposed expansions, and their ecological repercussions followed by an open forum.

A representative from Senator Liu's office involved in environmental issues for our district will be at Monday's meeting as well.

The city is proposing an expansion of the landfill and we encourage everyone to attend this meeting to understand and discuss the impact this expansion will have on our canyon and its residents.

Follow this link for an article written in the News Press about the expansion.,0,6785628.story

If you would like to look at the Environmental Impact Report, you can look at it here:

The meeting will be held at Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park 2531 E Glenoaks Blvd. Monday, May 19, at 6:30-8:00 pm

We encourage everyone to attend this very important meeting.

Proposed Development Off of Hollister Terrace

[UPDATE] Reminder, tonight is the Design Review Board meeting where this proposal will be discussed. Additional information about the property and the proposed development including sketches and drawings can be found here:


There is a new single-family home project that is going before the Glendale Design Review Board that we wanted to bring to canyon resident's attention. GOCHA is still gathering more info about this project but wanted to make residents aware of the meeting in case you would like more information.

According to the Public Notice (attached here), the project is a 5,980 square-foot, single-story home with an eight-car garage, pool house and pool on a currently vacant 43,995 square-foot lot. The lot is recessed far back from the street but appears to be accessible near the intersection of Hollister Terrace and Scholl Dr.

The Design Review Board meeting will be held in the Municipal Services Building at 633 E. Broadway, Room 105 on Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 5:00pm.

We will post more information as it becomes available.

Boy Scout Troop 125 Celebrates 75th Anniversary

     Sorry neighbors for the tardiness of this post, but back on Saturday November 23, 2013, Glendale Troop 125 of the Boy Scouts of America celebrated its 75th anniversary with a gathering of current and former Scouts and families at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse at Glenoaks Park. Representatives from the Verdugo Hills Council of BSA were there to acknowledge the milestone as were alumni from the recent and less recent past.

      One of the most wonderful surprises was the attendance of the Hay brothers – Doug, Don, Jim and John -- who are all Eagle Scouts from the Troop and served under their father, Scoutmaster Ed Hay, in the early 1960’s. In fact, they were in the Troop when it celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1963. They travelled here from Salinas, Palm Desert, Eagle Rock and Monterrey, Mexico, with a treasure trove of memorabilia including a slide show of Troop activities from days past.

     Former Scoutmaster Carl Nelson related the story of the founding of the Troop in 1938. An interest in forming the Troop began when a physician with boys at the age appropriate for starting off in Scouts floated the idea among his neighbors in Glenoaks Canyon. An interest sprang up among residents, and they approached the then-San Rafael Council of the Boy Scouts of America for a charter application. They were tentatively assigned Troop number 24 and the paperwork to complete and return to the Council. The paperwork required a designee as Scoutmaster but the physician was too busy to fill that role. The boys then went door-to-door seeking an adult to lead the Troop. Eventually, they found a willing soul in the person of the Troop’s first Scoutmaster, J.M. Dunlap. By the time they returned the paperwork, the Council had given away the number 24 thinking they would not be coming back. Thus, the Troop was assigned number 25. This was changed in 1967 to number 125, which the Troop bears to this day.

      The Troop is 36-boys strong at present with committed adult leadership. In addition to boys from Glenoaks Canyon, there are boys from Chevy Chase Canyon, La Cañada and other parts of Glendale who attend Glenoaks Elementary, Wilson and Rosemont Middle Schools, Glendale High, La Cañada High and St. Francis High Schools, to name a few. The Troop meets regularly Wednesday evenings at the Clubhouse where they have met for all their existence, except for the Clubhouse’s 2008 renovation.  They go on regular camping trips all over Southern California and sometimes, points beyond.

      The Troop notably provides service to the canyon and the greater Glendale community in collecting food for food banks, canyon clean-up and various projects by the Scouts seeking to become Eagle Scouts, the highest honor in Boy Scouts. Contributions to the troop's campership fund are welcome and can assist attendance at summer camp for those less able to pay. Inquiries as well as donations can be sent to Treasurer and Committee Chair Laura Keen or by contacting Scoutmaster John Martin 818-502-6550

Glendale Boy Scout Troop 125 Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Everyone is invited this Saturday, November 23rd at 9:00am for a continental breakfast followed by a presentation at 10:00am at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park. Come celebrate this truly remarkable milestone for our canyon and hear stories from past members who grew up in the canyon. It should be a blast.

See the 75TH ANNIVERSARY FLYER INVITE for more information.