city services

Great News: Chevy Chase Library Saved

In response to the outpouring of emails, petitions signatures, and letters, the Glendale City Council has decided to keep the Chevy Chase Library open, and to not transfer it to the Dept. of Community Services and Parks!!! This is GREAT news and a powerful testament to what can be accomplished when we make our voices heard.

Many of the Library advocates are now shifting modes and instead of asking the City Council to "SAVE OUR LIBRARY" plan to express their thanks - both in letters and in person. The City Council often only hears protests, and we want them to hear the positive side of their decisions.

If you'd like, feel free to write to the Mayor and the City Council and thank them for preserving our library. At issue still, is Chevy Chase Library's dearth of books and library-sponsored programs. The Mayor and Council are working hard to find ways to fund this. Please thank them for their efforts and express your deep hope that this can happen!!

Mayor Laura Friedman Council Member Frank Quintero Council Member Dave Weaver Council Member Rafi Manoukian Council Member Ara Najarian

If you had already planned to attend the City Council mtg on Tues, June 8th at 6:00pm, and would now like to express your thanks instead, you can join a handful of families who plan to present the kids' letters, and express their thanks and what the library means to them. If you have any questions or plan to go with a child, please let Pamela Tom know at She would like to let the Mayor know how many kids plan to be there, so that they may make special accommodations.

Congratulations and thank you to all who signed a petition, wrote a letter, supported this effort, and made your voices heard.

The Chevy Chase Library Needs Your Help

The Chevy Chase Community Library may soon cease to exist.  Despite promises to make improvements to our library and update its collection, a proposal to transfer it to the Community Services and Parks department and provide “minimal library services” is now being considered by the City Council.  This will spell the end of our community library.


You can make a difference by:


SENDING an EMAIL TO OUR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS expressing why you feel it’s important to maintain a library in the canyon:

Laura Friedman

Frank Quintero

Rafi Manoukian

Ara Najarian

Dave Weaver

SENDING “LETTERS to the EDITOR” of 250 words or less to

ATTENDING the June 7th City Council Meeting with your kids and LETTING YOUR VOICE BE HEARD


Below is a video that includes information about the proposal before City Council and what the city has already done to this vital and important community resource.


And here is a video of canyon resident Pamela Tom addressing City Council in opposition of the proposal.


New City Ordinance Adopted

Fire roadThanks to the efforts of GOCHA, the Glendale PD, the Glendale FD, and the City Council, a new ordiance was passed closing "fire hazard severity zones" or open hillsides between the hours of 10pm and 6am. This will hopefully curb partying and other activities in the hillsides that pose potential fire hazards. The ordiance is not just for our canyon but for all of Glendale. Here is the ordinance:

9.20.165 Closure of specified public property and facilities. No person, except peace officers and city employees, shall be or remain on, between the hours of ten p.m. on any day and four a.m. of the following day, the property as described in this section which is owned, operated, administered or maintained by the city unless that person is on the property pursuant to officially sanctioned city business, or such person is engaged in a scheduled activity of the city, or the person has written authorization of the director or city employee who has responsibility for the property: A.      Any public park, playground, recreation facility, or recreation facility grounds;

B.      The Civic Center Square;

C.      The libraries and library grounds;.

D.      Any fire hazard severity zone, or hillside open space area, access to which is controlled by means of a gated fire road, except that persons may enter the property after Four a.m. on any day for the purpose of jogging or bicycling thereupon. SECTION 2.  If any portion of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law.

Glendale Police Warn of Callers Posing as GWP Reps

The Glendale PD has issued a bulletin to all Glendale Water & Power customers. It has been reported that GWP customers are receiving calls from 818-548-3301.  Callers are identifying themselves as the Glendale Community Hotline and asking customers to pay a balance they owe over the phone with a credit card to avoid service cancellation the same day.  So far, callers are stating their names are Linda James or Michelle Williams.  This is not standard GWP procedure.  Payments are not taken over the phone. If you receive a such a phone call, DO NOT give out credit card or other personal information.  Please write down any information the caller gives you, and then call GWP at (818) 548-3300.  Please share immediately with any GWP customers that you know.

Information on Door-to-Door Solicitors

There has been an increase in door-to-door solicitations in the area. The Glendale Police Department urges all of us to be aware that some of these solicitors may not be legitimate and has issued an Information Release about these Door-to-Door Solicitors. The memo can be found here: Glendale Police Information Release

Information on Door-to-Door Solicitors

Date Posted: 23 November 2010

There has been an increase in door-to-door solicitations in the city.  While this is legal, a permit must be obtained for any type of door-to-door advertising or soliciting in Glendale.

The larger concern is solicitors fraudulently seeking money for a charity or product they do not represent or will not deliver.  Some solicitors may identify themselves as living in the neighborhood when they may be not.  People can also pose as solicitors to avail themselves to unattended vehicles and homes.

Legitimate solicitors operate in Glendale, but they require a permit issued by the clerk’s office.  Advertisers who leave material at your home also require a permit.  Religious and non-profit organizations are allowed to distribute materials in the city without a permit as long as they are not seeking donations or selling a product.

If you are contacted by a solicitor, ask for their organization ID (or letter of introduction) and their city-issued permit.  If they cannot provide either, close your door.  Never let a stranger into your home.  You can contact the City Clerk’s office during normal business hours to verify a permit at (818) 548-2090.  You can alert the police to suspicious soliciting at (818) 548-4840. If the solicitor is aggressive or you feel endangered in any way, please call 911.

Below is a sample of a city issued permit.  The name and address of the permit holder will appear on the actual permit, and the words “File Copy” will not.

To learn more of the police department's Area Command strategy, please follow this link:

or copy and paste it into your browser's  URL window.

East Command Town Hall Meeting on November 3, 2010

The Glendale Police Department is holding an East Command Town Hall meeting on November 3rd from 6:30-8:00pm at Wilson Middle School Auditorium (1220 Monterey St.).

Stop by and participate in the discussion and find out what is going on in the East Command? •    Meet the Chief •    Get to know your Area Commander •    Learn about burglary prevention and what you can do to avoid being a victim •    Question and answer session with our Traffic Division (Speeding? Parking?  What’s on your mind?) •    Afterward, enjoy a snack and talk to our police officers one-on-one

Pick up important phone numbers and learn how to start a Neighborhood Watch.

Light refreshments will be served.

RSVP and questions:  Contact Sue Shine-Lead Officer East Command (818) 937-8769 or:

Action Requested: Help Save Our Public Transportation

Action Alert: Vote to Terminate Beeline Shuttle This Tuesday at the Glendale City Council Meeting

Due to low ridership, the Glendale City Council is voting to terminate the BeeLine Shuttle in Glenoaks Canyon this Tuesday, Oct. 5th. Public transportation into Glenoaks Canyon has been provided continuously since the 1930s and it is a service that we hate to lose.  Please help save this important canyon resource by attending the city council meeting and speaking out in favor of keeping the Beeline.

As mentioned at our GOCHA Annual Meeting on September 22nd, the City of Glendale is now considering removal of all public transportation in our Glenoaks Canyon. The Transportation Department submitted their recommendation to remove Line 13 to the Glendale City Council for their final decision to permanently stop all public transportation up Glenoaks Blvd.

GOCHA has been advised that the most effective method of communication would be to speak during Oral Communications* at the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2010 at 613 E. Broadway, 2nd Floor.  The regular business agenda starts at 6:00 PM. Please try to attend this council meeting.

We also recommend writing to Metro, Mr. Don Knabe,, the Metro Board, Mr. Arthur T.Leahy, , and Supervisor Michael Antonovich,

Please contact Angela Vukos at (818) 247-2781 or via email if you will be able to attend the City Council meeting on Tuesday.  Thank you for your support.

*ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Per Mayor Policy – to follow after all other Agenda Items)
Discussion is limited to items NOT a part of this agenda. Each Speaker is allowed 5 minutes. Council may question or respond to the speaker but there will be no debate or decision. The City Manager may refer the matter to the appropriate department for investigation and report.