Glenoaks Canyon Beeline Issue Gets Some Attention

Thanks go out to Barry Allen and Vanguard ( - a weekly non-profit watchdog paper that comments on City Hall activities - for commenting on the current Beeline route cuts that will affect our canyon. In his paper he states:

Beeline service cuts are coming with little community input. The folks in Glenoaks Canyon have route 13 available but it will probably be cut without the input from the users; without an alternative plan; without their testimony reaching Council, Staff or Transportation and Parking Commissioners. These folks can‘t or don‘t drive especially at night when those meetings are held. There is no bus service to get them to a meeting to express their need. What will the Staff do? Were these people interviewed? Bottom-line is that a lot of money was spent on a study for a trolley on Brand and zip for the Canyons. This week Council voted to accept a new contract for the Nextbus system that has no practical purpose for the expense. There are solutions to the problem but it takes a willingness to look for them.

If you haven't already, please read the post regarding the Beeline service issues and voice your concerns to the city.