Action Alert: City Council to Discuss Transportation Options in Canyon

At the Glendale City Council this Tuesday, Sept. 20th at 6:00 PM,  an agenda items to be discussed will be Route 13 into Glenoaks Canyon. One city recommendation to be presented is the use of taxi vouchers at a round trip cost of $7.50 from Glendale Adventist Hospital to Glenoaks Park.  This would replace the current $.50 charge for the Beeline and seems to be an unreasonably high solution for those who use public transportation to get in and out of the canyon. They may also discuss the return of a limited service of Metro Line 201 (no cost to the City of Glendale).  This is the best recommendation.

Your presence and voice are very important to maintain public transportation in our canyon and to support those neighbors who need this service. Please attend the meeting if possible and/or call the city clerk at (818) 548-2090 to leave an email message with your recommendation for the city council.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

You Can Help Save Beeline 13

If you are interested in helping Save Line 13 (the Beeline Shuttle into Glenoaks Canyon),  you can reach all our City Council members by making one phone call. If you call the City Clerk's Office at  (818) 548-2090 or the City Council Office at (818) 548-4844,   Michelle, the Administrative Clerk, will  forward your message on to the City Council members.  The City Council meeting is tomorrow (Tuesday) night, so if you wish to make a call to let our City Council know your feelings about the necessity for public transportation in our canyon, please do so tomorrow. Thanks so much for your support of this important issue.

Action Alert: Elimination of Beeline Shuttle Service Into Canyon

Coming up at this Tuesday's City Council meeting (Aug. 30th) is a recommendation from the Transportation Department to permanently eliminate, Line 13, the Bee Shuttle  into Glenoaks Canyon because of low ridership. This is of concern to us because there are approximately 1,000 people per month who ride this line. Removal of this service would leave only  Dial-a- Ride as a transportation option.  Dial-a-Ride requires a making a reservation a week in advance a with no guarantee of a ride as they may be booked up. The cost for Dial-a-Ride is $18.05 whereas the Beeline is only $2.67.  Not only is Dial-a-Ride less reliable, it is a lot more expensive. Please attend this important meeting so that your voice may be heard on this important issue. Contact GOCHA Board member, Angela Vukos at (818) 247-2781 for more information. The meeting will be held at the Glendale City Hall ,  613 E. Broadway, 2nd Floor at 6:00 PM on Tuesday August 30th.

Background information on City Council's decision: Funding for the City's transportation programs primarily comes from a small portion of sales tax dedicated to transportation. With the recent recession, sales tax receipts have been significantly reduced and the current operating commitments in the City's Transportation Fund are exceeding the annual operating revenues. Based on previous City Council budget discussions, it is recommended that Beeline increase its base cash fare on regular local routes from $0.25 to $0.75 beginning October 1, 2011, to be increased to $1.00 beginning July 1, 2012, and to $1.25 beginning July 1, 2013. The cash fare for the express routes will increase from $1.00 to $2.00. The remaining Beeline fare media would be adjusted to be consistent with the cash fares. Staff also recommends changing the senior age definition from 60 to 62 years of age to be consistent with Metro fare policy. It is recommended that Dial-A-Ride increase its cash fare from $1.00 to $1.25 beginning October 1, 2011, and to $1.50 beginning July 1, 2013. Staff also recommends increasing the minimum age for new Dial-A-Ride participants from 60 to 65 years of age.

Finally, it is recommended that Beeline Route 13 serving Glenoaks Canyon be cancelled due to low ridership; that the frequency of service on Beeline Route 3 between Glendale Community College and Jet Propulsion Laboratory be reduced due to lack of ridership demand; and, that the fare subsidy program for the purchase of Metro senior passes be discontinued.

Crime Alert

Yesterday afternoon, a Glendale resident reported a group of people assertively walking onto their property, making inquiries about rentals and asking to look in back yards.  The incident occurred near Verdugo Woodlands School.  Last month, a male claimed to be from the "Water Company" near Adventist Hospital and attempted to gain access to the home and yard of the resident.  Based upon the description of the individuals, the method they are using to gain access, and the out of state plate obtained yesterday (Ohio), it appears we are experiencing new gypsy scams.  Some of these scams will appear legitimate (door to door sales of fertilizer, driveway repair solicitors, "city" workers doing inspections), but all types are criminal. Many use multiple people, including children in an effort to confuse or distract the victim.  Other groups will use numbers and force their way into a home after their ruse has failed.  The goal is to relieve you of cash or property. What can you do?  If anyone comes to your yard or door soliciting ANYTHING, ask for their City of Glendale Permit.  Chances are, that will be enough for them to move on.  If you see them going door-to door and suspect criminal intent, see if there is an involved vehicle and write down the plate.  Then call (818) 548-4841 to report the details of the scam to dispatch.  Please be patient if it takes us awhile to respond.  We are responding to calls citywide and it may be some time before an officer can break to respond.  If you have the description and a license plate, your statement should be all they need.

If you would like more information on what our City Clerk does permit, or to verify one shown to you, their number is: 818-548-2090

Come Celebrate National Night Out...With Ice Cream!

On Tuesday, August 2, 2011 you are invited to come out and celebrate National Night Out with a neighborhood Ice Cream Social at Glenoaks Park.

Hang out with your neighbors and meet your Neighborhood Watch Block Captain and Officer Sue Shine.

Plus...Raffle Prizes! Crafts for Kids! and Giveaways!

Date:     Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Time:    6:00-8:00pm

Where: Glenoaks Park


Click NNO Flier to check more information.

Summer Events at Chevy Chase Library

Magic Show for All Ages Saturday, July 9th at 2:30 Come one, come all for a little summertime magic right in the neighborhood.  Kids and adults of all ages welcome.  Thanks to the Chevy Chase Estates Association for sponsoring this fun event so all can enjoy it FREE of charge.

Valentine’s Traveling Nature Class Saturday, Aug. 20th at 3:30 Come see--or in some cases, pet and hold--reptiles, amphibians, insects and more!  This fabulous and FREE show educates and entertains animal-lovers of all ages.

Also, don't forget to sign up for the summer reading program at Chevy Chase Library.  You can pre-order your book selections from throughout the Glendale and Pasadena library systems online at and then ask that they be sent to the Chevy Chase branch.  There's no quicker or greener way to keep up with your reading.  Routing your books to Chevy Chase provides more accurate circulation numbers for our area than routing them to another branch or the Central Library for pickup.  The library uses our branch's relatively low circulation numbers to suggest we're not using the system that much and that we don't need a library here.  So please route your books to Chevy Chase!

The Chevy Chase branch is open to check out books on Wednesdays from 2-8 and Saturdays 12-5. You worked hard to keep it open. Now it's time to enjoy it!!

Reminder: Neighborhood Watch Meeting Tonight

Come join Officer Sue Shine and your Glenoaks Canyon neighbors for a Neighborhood Watch training and burglary prevention meeting.

While the crime in our canyon is extremely low, the Glendale Police Department wants to help us institute a neighborhood watch program so we can keep our canyon safe for all of us.

The meeting will be held on June 29, 2011 at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park.


5:30 - 6:00 Arrive early for introductions

6:00 - 7:00 Burglary prevention slideshow/Crime overview

7:00 - 7:30 What is Neighborhood Watch?

7:30 - 8:00 Meet neighbors and sign up

Click here to see the Flyer.

Scholl Canyon Landfill Public Informational Meeting

A Public Informational meeting regarding the Scholl Canyon Landfill will be held at Glenoaks Canyon Park on Monday, June 27, 2011 at 6pm. This meeting is in regards to a permit revision to incorporate additional perimeter monitoring gas probes located outside of the current permitted landfill boundary.

Click here for the Scholl PIM Notice 2011.

Neighborhood Watch Training and Information Meeting June 29th

Come join Officer Sue Shine and your Glenoaks Canyon neighbors for a Neighborhood Watch training and burglary prevention meeting.

While the crime in our canyon is extremely low, the Glendale Police Department wants to help us institute a neighborhood watch program so we can keep our canyon safe for all of us.

The meeting will be held on June 29, 2011 at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park.


5:30 - 6:00  Arrive early for introductions

6:00 - 7:00  Burglary prevention slideshow/Crime overview

7:00 - 7:30  What is Neighborhood Watch?

7:30 - 8:00  Meet neighbors and sign up

Click here to see the Flyer.

Great News: Chevy Chase Library Saved

In response to the outpouring of emails, petitions signatures, and letters, the Glendale City Council has decided to keep the Chevy Chase Library open, and to not transfer it to the Dept. of Community Services and Parks!!! This is GREAT news and a powerful testament to what can be accomplished when we make our voices heard.

Many of the Library advocates are now shifting modes and instead of asking the City Council to "SAVE OUR LIBRARY" plan to express their thanks - both in letters and in person. The City Council often only hears protests, and we want them to hear the positive side of their decisions.

If you'd like, feel free to write to the Mayor and the City Council and thank them for preserving our library. At issue still, is Chevy Chase Library's dearth of books and library-sponsored programs. The Mayor and Council are working hard to find ways to fund this. Please thank them for their efforts and express your deep hope that this can happen!!

Mayor Laura Friedman Council Member Frank Quintero Council Member Dave Weaver Council Member Rafi Manoukian Council Member Ara Najarian

If you had already planned to attend the City Council mtg on Tues, June 8th at 6:00pm, and would now like to express your thanks instead, you can join a handful of families who plan to present the kids' letters, and express their thanks and what the library means to them. If you have any questions or plan to go with a child, please let Pamela Tom know at She would like to let the Mayor know how many kids plan to be there, so that they may make special accommodations.

Congratulations and thank you to all who signed a petition, wrote a letter, supported this effort, and made your voices heard.