The City Transportation Dept. has submitted their recommendations about the Beeline to the City Council. Now is the time to contact the City Council and let them know your thoughts. They will be deliberating and making their final decision shortly. Please email the council and let them know your opinions.
GOCHA is respectfully requesting your urgent communication with the Glendale Transportation Department and the Glendale City Council in order to prevent the loss of the canyon’s public transportation service. Without your input this will be a permanent loss to Glenoaks Canyon residents.
This is with regard to the meeting which was held regarding Glendale Beelines. We realize Beeline #13 has low ridership and is a target for cancellation in the near future. However; some type of public transportation should be provided a community that has historically had public transportation. Due to the City's failure to aggressively pursue the retention of Metro Line 201 service, we had for over 70 years, we have had all these problems.
To avoid this loss of transportation, our suggestions are to either continue the current service of Beeline #13, or, preferably, restore Metro Line 201 service one mile up the canyon, or, at a minimum, schedule a short connection to the Metro Line 201 at Chevy Chase and Glenoaks. Otherwise we will be completely stranded without any public transportation in our canyon. By the way, Metro Service is provided at no cost to the City of Glendale. The cost of the Beeline # 13 is about $ 44,000. per year. In view of the very costly perks, paid by the taxpayers and provided by the City of Glendale to government officials, this would seem like a very reasonable amount to pay to provide independence to the people. Loss of our public transportation in this canyon, will have a devastating impact on our students, seniors, home care and cleaning service providers. and the community. Many are unable to walk up one mile for a bus and cannot afford taxis all the time.
We have paid representation on the Metro Board, Mayor Najarian, and with the power given by the people to the City Council, we rightfully expect our voices to be heard and our needs to be considered favorably.
Comments on the proposed fare increase and service change may be submitted by email at beeline@ci.glendale.ca.us
by phone at 818-548-3960
Or in writing to:
Glendale Beeline, 633 E. Broadway
Room 300
Glendale, CA 91206
Comments will be collected through September 18, 2010 and incorporated into a report to the City Council later this fall.
Angela Vukos, GOCHA Board Member would like to organize a committee to work on preserving our transportation. Please email her at svukos@sbcglobal.net for more information and/or if you would like to help in this important effort.