
Scholl Canyon Landfill Article

Mary Stewart Douglas

Mary Stewart Douglas

Below is an interesting and informative article written by Mary Stewart Douglas, a Washington DC environmental attorney about the Scholl Canyon landfill along with the other planned energy projects proposed by the City of Glendale. 

Community Groups Look to the Future But Glendale Officials Largely Cling to Tipping Fees and Fossil Fuels

Comment on MND relating to Biogas Renewable Generation Project

Gerry Rankin, a GOCHA Board Member and a 76 year resident of Glenoaks Canyon, submitted the following comment on the City's intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration relating to "Biogas Renewable Generation Project." 

It is an important read and provides some important information about the proposed Biogas Plant that GWP wants to build on the Scholl Canyon Landfill.

Gerry Rankin - Biogas Project on Landfill

Landfill Fact Sheet

Landfill Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet on the Scholl Canyon Landfill Prepared by the Glenoaks Canyon Homeowners Association (GOCHA)

Background The Scholl Canyon Landfill opened in 1961 and currently serves as a waste shed for the cities of Glendale, Pasadena, La Can ada-Flintridge, San Marino, Sierra Madre, South Pasadena, and unincorporated communities of Altadena, La Crescenta, Montrose and East Pasadena. The Landfill consists of 535 acres…

Important Public Hearing Regarding Scholl Canyon Landfill

On Wednesday, March 21st at 5:00 PM, the Glendale Planning Commission will be hearing oral comments and will be voting whether to approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Biogas Renewable Generation Project (Power Plant) at the Scholl Canyon Landfill.  Meeting location is  633 E. Broadway, Room 105, in Glendale.

What this means is the City is trying to fast track the installation of a new power generating system on top of our landfill without a full and proper analysis of environmental hazards.  An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) would more fully examine these hazards and would also provide alternatives solutions.  GOCHA is calling for a full EIR report.  Be advised that if this MND is approved on Wednesday, the power plant will be built on the landfill.

It is important that we get a big turnout for this very important meeting. We need the city to hear us. 

Please see attached flyer and plan to attend this important meeting regarding a power plant that would affect all of us in the canyon as well as in surrounding areas.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 5:00 pm

Municipal Services Building 633 E. Broadway Room 105

Public Hearing Flyer

Scholl Canyon Landfill to be Discussed at Tonight's City Council Meeting

The City of Glendale has proposed an "experimental" Anaerobic Digestion Facility (AD facility, AKA "Biogas Renewable Generation Project") and a Power Generator to be located at the Scholl Canyon Landfill. An alternative waste management facility (AD or otherswise) is a great idea, but NOT in a residential area--not at Glendale's Dump. 
What we ask of the City of Glendale:
1. Find a non-residential area for the Anaerobic Digestion Facility--don't locate it at Scholl Canyon Landfill.
2.  To CLOSE the dump by June 2028--revise terms of the Joint Powers Agreement that's coming up for renewal in October 2017 to include this final closure date.
Working with CFLA and the residents of Glendale, Eagle Rock, and Pasadena we are trying to get a large group of people down to the Glendale City Council Meeting tonight (August 29th), to voice our concerns about the proposed projects up at Scholl Canyon Landfill.
The City NEEDS to hear from us, they MUST see a large crowd of concerned residents present at their chambers if we want to make a difference.  Please join us and bring a friend along. All you have to do is be present--that's it.  Several CFLA members will be speaking during Oral Communications. 
Tuesday, August 29, approximately 7:00pm
Glendale City Hall
613 E. Broadway, 2nd Floor
Glendale, CA  91206
Wear a blue top, if you have one--any shade of blue is fine.

GOCHA sponsors Glendale City Council Candidates Forum

There will be a Glendale City Council Candidates Forum sponsored by GOCHA and Verdugo Woodlands HOA. Join us as we hear where the candidates stand on the Scholl Canyon Landfill and Proposed Power Plant. 

Glendale City Council Candidates Forum

Saturday, March 25 7:00 PM

First Congressional Church 2001 Canada Blvd. Glendale, CA 91208

Glenoaks Canyon Homeowners Association Annual Meeting 9/14

This is a reminder that the Annual Meeting for the Glenoaks Canyon Homeowner's Association (GOCHA) will be held on:

Wednesday, September, 14 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm

The meeting will be held at Joe Bridges Clubhouse at Glenoaks Park located at 2531 E. Glenoaks, Blvd., Glendale CA

Please join us to learn more about:

The Canyon's Disaster Preparedness Program Come listen to Isabel Meyer discuss the details of the Canyon's Disaster Preparedness Program. The Glendale Fire Department and Glendale Police Department will also be present to discuss how their efforts will dovetail with the Canyon's in the event of a fire or natural disaster.

The Scholl Canyon Landfill City Manager Scott Ochoa and Council Member Vartan Gharpetian have graciously offered to speak at our meeting to share with us the current status of affairs with the landfill.

Hope to see you there.

Press Conference Regarding Scholl Landfill on Tuesday

[UPDATE 3/21/16 8:44pm] New Location:


Richard Alatorre Park, Base of the Eagle Rock 7600 Scholl Canyon Rd, Los Angeles, 90041 (just north of 134 Freeway, and north end of Figueroa Street. Park along street; location is close to road).


Communities United to Stop Scholl Dump Expansion is holding a press conference tomorrow, Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 9:00am. The event will be at the Eagle Rock Rec Center (east of the playground).

Even though speaking roles are strictly limited to 4 newsworthy leaders at this event, your PARTICIPATION as a conscientious community stakeholder making visible your opposition to the expansion of the Scholl Dump is extremely important.

Attire: WEAR BLUE, dress appropriately for 70 degrees, bring a dust/particulate mask for nose and mouth.

Parking: At Eagle Rock Rec Ctr parking lot OR along Eagle Vista.

Duration of event: 30 minutes


If you plan to attend, please rsvp to so that the organizers can have an idea of how many people will be attending.

Dump Dangers Informational Meeting Monday 11/9

Please join us for an informational meeting to learn about concerns Dr. Clarence Hall, Geologist and UCLA Professor Emeritus, has about the Scholl Canyon Landfill, its possible expansion and the EIR report that is slated to go before Glendale City Council for approval this coming January.

Is the landfill built on solid granite?

Are all the earthquake faults included in the EIR? 

Are the barriers that collect toxic waste being monitored regularly?

These questions and more will be discussed at this meeting Monday, November 9th at 7:00pm at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse.


GOCHA Delivers Landfill Position Paper to Glendale City Council

IMG_4070GOCHA board members Joan Morris and Gerry Rankin delivered the GOCHA Position paper regarding the Scholl Canyon Landfill. This paper expresses our opposition to the proposed expansion of the landfill that is being considered by the city. The final copy of the position paper is attached here. [Please note the file is rather large and may take a bit to load.]

GOCHA Position Re Further Development of Scholl Canyon Landfill - FINAL