Glenoaks Canyon Homeowner's Association

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The Chevy Chase Library Needs Your Help

The Chevy Chase Community Library may soon cease to exist.  Despite promises to make improvements to our library and update its collection, a proposal to transfer it to the Community Services and Parks department and provide “minimal library services” is now being considered by the City Council.  This will spell the end of our community library.


You can make a difference by:


SENDING an EMAIL TO OUR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS expressing why you feel it’s important to maintain a library in the canyon:

Laura Friedman

Frank Quintero

Rafi Manoukian

Ara Najarian

Dave Weaver

SENDING “LETTERS to the EDITOR” of 250 words or less to

ATTENDING the June 7th City Council Meeting with your kids and LETTING YOUR VOICE BE HEARD


Below is a video that includes information about the proposal before City Council and what the city has already done to this vital and important community resource.


And here is a video of canyon resident Pamela Tom addressing City Council in opposition of the proposal.