Glenoaks Canyon Homeowner's Association

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City Council to Vote on BioGas Plant at Scholl Canyon Landfill 11/30/21

Glendale Water and Power (GWP) has proposed a dirty bioGas Power Plant to be built on Glendale's fire-prone hillsides at Scholl Landfill. The Sustainability and the Planning Commission voted AGAINST this proposed project in October, but GWP has appealed the decision so it will come up for a vote at City Council on Tuesday, 11/30/2021. We must speak up for the environment and our health!

It is crucial that we voice our concerns NOW, or we'll have to bear the burden of an increase in pollution and emissions, increased fire risk in an already VERY High Fire Hazard zone, disturbance of wildlife on over 2.2 acres of land, increased ambient noise levels in quiet canyon neighborhoods, etc. In a time when we should be planning for more green and environmentally friendly options of power generation, GWP has proposed turning an area currently zoned for Special Recreation use into an Industrial area. There is already an existing Power Plant in Glendale in an industrial area, with a fully-functional methane pipeline connecting Scholl Landfill to the existing power plant--and that Power Plant is expected to undergo a major overhaul soon. We don't need a second gas Power Plant in Glendale!

Please use the suggested talking points to draft your own unique letter of opposition to this dirty gas power plant project, and email it to Glendale's Mayor and City Council Members well in advance of 11/30:

Mayor Paula Devine:

Dan Brotman:   

Vrej Agajanian: 

Ardy Kassakhian: 

Ara Najarian:    

Call and leave a message: (818) 548-4844


Management Services - Room 200
613 E. Broadway
Glendale, CA 91206-4391

The City Council Meeting can be viewed on Charter Cable Channel 6 or streamed online at:

For public comments and questions during the meeting call (818) 937-8100. City staff will be submitting these questions and comments in real time to the appropriate person during the Planning Commission meeting.