The Winter Echo is here. If you didn’t get yours in your mailbox, you can enjoy the digital version here.
Highlights include:
Annual Membership Drive
Landfill Update
Disaster Preparedness Update
Glenoaks Canyon
The Winter Echo is here. If you didn’t get yours in your mailbox, you can enjoy the digital version here.
Highlights include:
Annual Membership Drive
Landfill Update
Disaster Preparedness Update
Please enjoy the digital version of the Fall 2018 Echo. Fall 2018 Echo
We hope you find the information inside useful.
The Spring Echo is here. Highlights from this edition include:
Upcoming Dog Parade
Glenoaks Elementary Traffic
Biogas Plant Vote
Canyon Development
The Winter Echo is here. Highlights from this edition include:
Annual Membership Drive
Landfilll Public Hearing
Grayson Power Plant
Preparing for a Fire
Canyon Development
Canyon Bus Line
If you didn't find a hard copy on your driveway or in your mailbox, you can view the latest GOCHA Echo here. Fall 2017 Echo
And don't forget that the Annual Pancake Breakfast is coming up October 14th from 8am-11am at Glenoaks Park. Hope to see you there.
For those of you who did not receive the Echo in your mailbox, or for those of you who enjoy the Echo that no longer live in the canyon, here is the digital version of the Winter 2017 Echo. Hope you like the new design and layout. Winter 2017 Echo
Please enjoy this digital version of the 2016 Winter Echo. Winter 2016 Echo
Follow the link for the Digital Edition of the Fall 2015 Echo. 2015 Fall Echo
By now you should have received your spring Echo delivered by our tireless volunteers to your homes. In case you missed it, you can read the digital version here. Spring 2015 Echo
You have probably already gotten your copy of the 2015 Winter ECHO delivered to your door by our dedicated (and fit) neighborhood volunteers, but in case you prefer to consume your neighborhood news digitally, here is a PDF of the latest ECHO. Enjoy. 2015 Winter ECHO