Disaster Preparedness

Glenoaks Canyon Fire 2009 in Pictures

[singlepic id=20 w=320 h=240 float=left] Thanks to several of our canyon residents for providing some stunning photos of the fire and the efforts of our local firemen and women. I hope this helps archive and document the fire that threatened the homes in our canyon on August 4, 2009. Glenoaks Canyon resident and GOCHA board member, Paul Chamberlain also wrote a nice piece that was published in the Glendale News/Press. You can read it here.

In addition to the photos here, there are some interesting videos that have been posted on Youtube. Be sure to click "more" to see the full post.

You can see here what appears to be a video shot by a driver on the 134 freeway as the fire broke out.

This video has some interesting footage shot from Eagle Rock.

Thank you to Glenoaks Canyon photographers Ted Kenney, Wendy Moore, Mitchell Rubinstein, Teresa Woo-Murray and Eileen Young for contributing their photos.


Scary day in Glenoaks Canyon

August 4th, 2009 was certainly a scary day for all of us in Glenoaks Canyon. After getting a call at work from my wife that our canyon was on firFire in the canyone and having to hike up to our house from Harvey, I thought the worst. Thanks to all the brave firefighters and helicopter pilots that fought the blaze, all our homes are safe. I will post more photos and add more to this post later. I saw a lot of canyon residents with cameras. If you have any photos from yesterday, please email them to me (mitchellr3@gmail.com) so that we can create a visual archive of this event.

Again, on behalf of GOCHA, we are so thankful that everyone is safe and that no homes were destroyed in the fire.