Annual Meeting

GOCHA Annual Meeting Wednesday 7:30pm

Lieutenant Danny CarverThe Glenoaks Canyon Homeowners Association annual meeting will be held this Wednesday, September 17th at 7:30pm at the Joe Bridges Club House in Glenoaks Park. Glendale Police Dept. East Area Commander Lieutenant Danny Carver will be our special guest. It’s an excellent way to meet your neighbors and share your thoughts and concerns about goings on in the canyon. Look forward to seeing everyone there.

GOCHA Annual Meeting This Wednesday, September 25th

This Wednesday, September 25th, GOCHA will hold its annual meeting at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park from 7:30pm - 9:00pm. Our guest speaker this year is Anne Dove, a planner with the National Rim of the Valley Planning Program. They are tasked with determining whether parts of the Rim of the Valley Corridor area is eligible to be considered part of the national park system which will help protect our natural resources that we enjoy in Glendale.

Hope to see you there.