Glenoaks Canyon Homeowner's Association

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Information on Latest Burglaries in Canyon

From Officer Sue Shine:

As you may be aware, we had a daytime residential burglary on November 30. A neighbor reported seeing a tan sedan with two Males in their 20's, possibly Middle Eastern leaving the victim's home around 3:00pm. The items taken were electronics (flat screen TV, iPads, etc).

On Friday, December 2, two reports came in. The first was reported early in the morning and the second was similar to the described one above. In this case, the victim returned home at 11:20am and found their home ransacked.

The locations: 2400 block of Sleepy Hollow (reported upon discovery at 5:00am)

2500 block of Gardner Place (reported shortly after the occurrence at 11:20am)

I will get all relevant details in the morning and examine our strategies to stop these crooks. The time frame to be extra vigilant is Monday-Friday during working hours. Burglars do not usually strike on weekends because we are all home. Those of you who are at home during the weekday are encouraged to take walks and rake all those leaves up so the crooks see you and will keep going.

I assure you we will be up there in marked and unmarked vehicles and I will provide updates as I receive them.

As always, if you see a car driving slowly, perhaps more than one time, or any activity at a neighbors home that is unusual, CALL 911. Do not wait to call.