GOCHA Annual Meeting and Dessert Night - Wednesday September 13, 2023
You are invited to attend GOCHA's Annual Meeting and Dessert Night at the Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park on:
Wed. September 13, 2023
Joe Bridges Clubhouse in Glenoaks Park
2531 E. Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, CA 91206
Discussion Topics will include:
Patricia Mundo the Vegetation Management Inspector for the Fire Department will come talk with us about the brush clearance on the Sleepy Hollow hiking trail
Pubic Works - new organics recycling tools
Results of Biogas Legal Settlement between GOCHA and The City of Glendale
So come enjoy some decadent desserts and coffee while you meet our new GOCHA Board Members, learn how to become a GOCHA Board Member, opportunities to volunteer for upcoming Canyon events, meet the City's newest Council Member, learn about and become part of the Canyon's Neighborhood Watch program, and more.
See you there!