Glenoaks Canyon Homeowner's Association

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Informational Meeting Regarding Scholl Canyon Landfill Power Plant

The City of Glendale is proposing to build a Power Plant at Scholl Canyon Landfill with an exposed 3,500 foot long natural gas pipeline, increasing pollutants and contaminants, noise, the risk of fire in an already designated Very High Fire Zone as well as being in close proximity to an active earthquake fault. The landfill area is currently NOT zoned for industrial use--but zoning will have to change to accomodate this proposed project. The 40 ft stack height of the proposed Power Plant and its accompanying water tank will be visible, affecting views and the aesthetic of our beautiful hillsides. We are opposed to such a project in an area that includes residential neighborhoods (Glendale, Eagle Rock, Pasadena) as well as eleven schools within a 2 mile radius of the proposed project. We expect the City of Glendale to consider the health and well-being of its residents over profits. We request that the City continue concrete plans for closure of the landfill, which is expected to reach capacity in the next few years--and begin developing plans to convert the area into recreational use, as per the terms of the original agreement.


We are asking the city to commit to closing the landfill by 2028 and not pursue a Power Plant project at Scholl Landfill. We recognize that the City must manage the methane produced from the landfill, and ask that they do a more rigorous study of alternatives--as it is now, information about alternatives is not clearly stated or presented in the EIR.

Zoom Meeting:

A group of residents working to respond to the proposed Power Plant project at Scholl Landfill will hold an informational Zoom meeting on Monday, August 23 at 7:30pm to educate the public of the dangers associated with this project, discuss an action plan and answer questions.

Monday, 8/23/2021 at 7:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 831 8358 1966

Passcode: 7420