Glenoaks Canyon Homeowner's Association

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Glenoaks Canyon Evacuation Drill - 11/29/21 at 9:00am

[UPDATE] Please click here for a video message from Chief Lanzas of the Glendale Fire Department.

On Monday, November 29th at 9:00 AM, GOCHA and the City of Glendale are holding an emergency evacuation drill. Your participation in this drill will help emergency responders learn how to best assist us in a real emergency.

Glenoaks Canyon presents the challenge that there is only one way in and one way out and emergency teams want to learn how they can help us prevent a bottleneck at the canyon entrance. Please look for the three Evacuation Drill handouts that either have been delivered or will be delivered to your doorstep during the next couple of days or you can download them here.

The Evacuation Drill:  Canyon residents will be notified via text, voice message or email at 9:00 AM on Monday, November 29th. The notification will announce the start of the drill and give us instructions. Once the drill is completed we will be notified that we can return home. 

If you haven’t yet done so, please sign up for emergency notices (such as the practice one we will receive for our drill on Nov. 29th) at and then click on the Emergency Alerts button and sign up. 

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important drill. 

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