Biogas EIR is Underway
A full environmental impact review has begun for the proposed biogas power plant on Scholl Canyon Landfill (Biogas Renewable Generation Project). The Glendale City Council contracted Stantec (once again) to conduct the study. There will be two times during the almost year-long process where public comments are solicited. The first will be at scoping meetings where the lead agency, GWP, will give an overview of the project, and Stantec will explain the analysis they plan to conduct in order to evaluate whether or not the proposed project will meet CEQA guidelines. The Scoping meetings are scheduled for:
Date: April 4, 2019
Time: 2:00 PM AND 6:00 PM
Location: Glendale Police Community Room
131 N. Isabel Street, Glendale
The public may make comments at the Scoping meetings, or submit written comments about Stantec’s planned study up to 30 days after the meetings. A group of GOCHA and CSLA members will make very specific and well-thought out comments. We encourage everyone to attend. It would be ideal to limit questions/comments at the scoping meeting, and save detailed questions and comments for the DEIR (Draft Environmental Impact Report) meeting, tentatively scheduled for mid-August through September, 2019.